Solve an Exam

In the Inbox folder of the main screen of BioProfe Reader app you can see the exams sent by your teachers.

For each exam you will see the title, the name of the teacher who sent it and the date when it was sent.

Texts will appear in bold when the exam has never been opened.

To open one of them, click the title.

Before seeing the exercises, you will see the Presentation window, which shows all the exam information.

Click on the “Begin” button to start the exam.

Then you will see the exercises. The exercises contain several unknowns that the student will have to solve one by one.

There are navigation buttons to move along the exercises.

The student has an “Expand” button to enlarge the area in which the exercises are displayed.

Whenever the student wants, the area can be reset to the original size by pressing the “Collapse” button.

If the teacher has allowed the use of the calculator, a button to open the calculator will be displayed.

Click on the button to use the calculator.

To start solving the exercise, close the calculator, select an option from the test question and then click on the first unknown chemical element.

Pick a chemistry element from the Periodic table.

Then, continue unknown by unknown and pick the answer you think is correct for each one.

You can write a comment or note to your teacher in the text box below.

Once you have completed the exercise click on the “Next” button to navigate to the next exercise.

When you have completed all the exercises, click on the “End exam” button to finish and see the report.

The report displays information about the exam itself, the results, and several buttons for you to perform actions.
Depending on how the teacher has configured the exam, you will be able to view the results and perform certain actions.

One of the actions is to review the exam to see the correct and incorrect answers. To do this, click on the “Review” button.

You can navigate exercise by exercise and see where you have answered correctly and where you have made a mistake.

Very important, there is a button so that you can send the solved exam to your teacher for review.

Once submitted, you have the possibility to evaluate the exam, i.e. what you thought of it, so that the teacher can take it into account.

When you have finished, click on the “Close” button to close the report and return to the BioProfe Reader home page where the folders with the exams are displayed.