
Elasticity and Fracture

When an object is at rest, we can think that it is not interesting to study because it does not have speed or acceleration and because the forces which are acting on it are zero. […]

Carlos Moreno   Mechanics


When two or more bodies approach each other, internal forces act between them, causing a variation in their linear momentum and in their energy, producing an exchange between them of both magnitudes. In this case, […]

Carlos Moreno   Mechanics

The circular movement

The circular movement, also called, of curvilinear trajectory is much more abundant than the rectilinear movement. These are based on an axis of rotation and constant radius, whereby the trajectory is a circumference. Uniform Circular […]

Carlos Moreno   Mechanics

The rectilinear movement

Movement is one of the physical phenomena that we most directly perceive, but the form of that movement depends on the place from which it is observed. It is the so-called “reference system (SR)”.    […]

Carlos Moreno   Mechanics

Rotation theory

Rotation   A Rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation. A three-dimensional object rotates always around an imaginary line called a rotation axis. A rotation of a […]

Ignacio   Mechanics

Oscillations theory

Oscillations   Oscillations are the repetitive variation, disturbance or fluctuation over the time measure about a central value or system. A particle oscillates periodically when it moves relative to its equilibrium position. Simple harmonic motion […]

Ignacio   Mechanics

Statics theory

Statics   Statics is the branch of mechanics that studies the bodies in condition of balance submitted to the action of forces. Strength is the action that one has on something, either by pulling or […]

Ignacio   Mechanics

Dynamics theory

Dynamics   Dynamics is the part of physics that describes the time evolution of a physical system in relation to the causes of changes in physical and/or movement state. Dynamics’ aim is to describe factors […]

Ignacio   Mechanics

Kinematics theory

Kinematics   Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of bodies (objects) and systems (groups of objects) without consideration of the forces that cause the motion. When we study the motion […]

Ignacio   Mechanics

Work and Energy theory

Work and Energy theory   Definition of Work and Energy   Energy is the property that bodies have and allows them to make changes in themselves or in other bodies. His unit in the International […]

Ignacio   Mechanics