Divisibility theory
Divisibility Divisibility is the property of an integer number to be divided by another, resulting an integer number. Where a and b, two integers numbers, we will say that “a” is a multiple of […]
Combined Operations theory
Combined Operations We call Combined Operations to those in which several arithmetic operations appear to be solved. To get the right result you need to follow some rules and take into account the priority […]
Radicals theory
Radicals Radicals are expressions with the form: Where n Є N and a Є R; provided that when a is negative, n must be odd. n=index; a=radicand; m=exponent. A radical can be expressed […]
Logarithms Theory
Logarithms Definition of Logarithms: Be a positive real number non-zero and different to 1, and A another positive and non-zero number. It is called the logarithm of the number A in the base a, […]
Fractions theory
Fractions Definition of Fractions A fraction is the quotient of two integers a and b, which is represented as follows: b -> denominator, indicates the number of parties that has been split the unit. […]
Theory about Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation Scientific Notation helps us to express in an easier way those numerical quantities that are too large or, conversely, too small. It is also known as Exponential Notation and it can be […]
Powers theory
Powers Multiplication of Powers with the same base, add exponents Division of powers with the same base, subtract the exponents Power of a power, it’s the same base and multiplied the exponents […]