Powers theory



Multiplication of Powers with the same base, add exponents

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 01

Bioprofe | Exams with exercises about physics, chemistry and mathematics | Powers

Bioprofe |Powers theory| 02


Division of powers with the same base, subtract the exponents

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 03

Bioprofe | Exams with exercises about physics, chemistry and mathematics | Powers

Bioprofe |Powers theory| 04


Power of a power, it’s the same base and multiplied the exponents

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 05

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 06


If the exponent is 0, the result is 1

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 07

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 08


Negative base and odd exponent, the result is negative

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 09

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 10


Negative base and exponent couple, the result is positive

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 11

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 12


Negative exponent, exchange dividend and divisor

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 13

Bioprofe | Exams with exercises about physics, chemistry and mathematics | Powers

Bioprofe |Powers theory| 14


if the exponent is a fraction, it turns into a root of grade the divisor and the exponent will be the dividend

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 15

Bioprofe | Exams with exercises about physics, chemistry and mathematics | Powers

Bioprofe |Powers theory| 16


When the exponent is a negative fraction:

First exchange dividend and divisor.

Second it turns into a root of index the divisor and the exponent will be the dividend

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Bioprofe |Powers theory| 17

Bioprofe | Exams with exercises about physics, chemistry and mathematics | Powers

Bioprofe |Powers theory| 18


To solve Equations with fractions, try to convert everything on the same base.

In case of fractions it is possible to change the sign of the exponent exchanging dividend and divisor in order to have the same base.





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