How to solve an Equation
Theory of Equation of First Degree
To solve an Equation of First Degree follow these steps:
- If there are parentheses and/or brackets, they are resolved with the necessary operation.
- If there denominators, it is estimated the m.c.m. and we reduce all fractions to this common denominator.
- Denominators are removed once they are reduced all terms to m.c.m.
- All terms are left accompanied by “x” on one side of equality and other terms on the other side of equality.
- Each term is simplifies the most possible.
- Solve the unknown “x” to calculate its value.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Theory of Second Degree Equations
To solve as second degree equation follow these steps:
- If there are parentheses and/or brackets, they are resolved with the necessary operation.
- If there are denominators, it is estimated the m.c.m. and we reduce all fractions to this common denominator.
- Denominators are removed once they are reduced all terms to m.c.m.
- Each term is simplifies the most possible.
- All terms are left on a member and it equals to zero.
- It is applied the following formula:
If the equation is incomplete second degree type:
We draw “x” common factor resolved as follows:
If you type:
Solve “x”:
(This theory about ecuations continue on the next post “How to solve an ecuation II”)
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