
Theory about Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation


Scientific Notation helps us to express in an easier way those numerical quantities that are too large or, conversely, too small.

It is also known as Exponential Notation and it can be defined as the product of a number that is in the range of 1 to 10, multiplied by the power of 10.

A number written in scientific notation consists of:

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If n is positive, the number N is “large”. And if n is negative, then N is “small”


To express a number in scientific notation we must identify the decimal point (if there is) and move it to the left if the number to be converted is greater than 10, however, if the number is less than 1 (start with zero and coma) we move it to the right as many places as it is necessary so that (in both cases) the only digit that is to the left side of the decimal point is between 1 and 9 and all others digits that appear to the right of the decimal point.

Only are selected the integer numbers because mathematically the zeros do not exist and they should not be included.

For example:

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Operations with numbers in Scientific Notation:

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