Students from around the world can access to our contents in English and Spanish.
According to Cervantes Institute, on their 2016 study titled “The Spanish: a living language”, almost 567 million people speak Spanish all over the world and 1.500 million people speak English. These are the two most commonly spoken languages in the world.
BioProfe´s team had always kept in mind that the contents of our applications should have a global reach.
BioProfe has now a database with more than 700 Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics exams, which have been developed in English and Spanish. If we consider that around 80% of them have 10 exercises at least, the students will be able to access up to 6.000 self-corrected exercises available in both languages, in order to evaluate their knowledge in these subjects.
Every branch of each subject has theory sections and demonstration exams, with two exercises each, also available in English and Spanish.
From our website users can access to BioProfe Reader app, which is used by students for free to access to the exercises and exams bank. It is developed for iPads, Android tablets and Windows devices. Therefore, since BioProfe works for these operative systems, it covers more than 99% in the market, according to international consultancy firms about selling tablets on 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are permanent and universal subjects. Contents must be constantly renovated and updated, but these disciplines are always present in the education systems of every country, on their different levels. BioProfe has a unique formulas editor in the market that adds original differentiating value to our exercises and exams.