
Empirical and molecular formula

The empirical formula is the simplest expression to represent a chemical compound. It tells us the elements that are present and the minimum proportion in whole numbers between their atoms. This formula is also known as “minimal formula” represented by “fe”.

For example:

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To obtain it, it is necessary to know the molecular mass of each chemical element. 

For example: 

Taking into account the molecular mass of each substance, the number of relative atoms of each chemical element is calculated:

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If we look at which is the smallest of all and we reduce them to unity, we have:

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Therefore the empirical formula of our product is Na2HPO3.

The molecular formula is the real formula of the molecule and it is formed by the symbols which are the chemical elements and some subscripts that indicate the number of atoms which participate in the formation of the molecule. It is represented by “fm”.

For example:

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When we want to calculate molecular formula (fm), in addition to finding the empirical formula (fe) and the molecular weight of it (PMfe), we need to know the molecular weight of the final compound (PMc) and in this way we can apply the following equations and get the molecular formula.

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For example: 

 First of all we have to calculate the empirical formula by obtaining the number of atoms of each chemical element:

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We reduce all to the unity and we obtain the number of atoms of each element:

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The empirical formula of tope compound is C3H5,5O1. We round the subscripts multiplying all the elements by 2 and the empirical formula finally remains: C6H11O2

To obtain the molecular formula we have to relate the molecular weight of this (PMc) with the molecular weight of the empirical formula (PMfe).

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With the aforementioned equation we relate the two molecular weights:

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Our molecular formula is: C12H22O4.


Once we have determined the formula of the molecule we can study its structure, which is the arrangement or distribution of the different atoms joined together to give rise to the final molecule.


We must keep in mind that molecules have a spatial disposition, they are three-dimensional structures and for their representation we must resort to molecular models, where the most known are:

Finally, we must keep in mind that atoms and molecules can be represented in a three-dimensional way for a better understanding of their structure.

If we compare molecules mentioned above in several projections already studied, we can see the great change they have when we see them in their three-dimensional structure. Therefore, to really understand the structure of a molecule, it is best to observe it from all angles and with all possible projections.




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